Log into Rtask
Hover over your name in the top right corner to view drop down box
Select Aurora Residential Alternatives
Select Campus drop down box in the middle of screen and select the operation you would like to view
Select “DONE”
Hover over the “Fax/Print” in the top right corner, select “reports”
Staff have access to several reports with in RTasks. Reports will allow you to review information that has been documented. You can run a report from your fax/print tab at the top of the rtasks page. It will give you the following information:
Alerts have now been turned on and allow your Program Director/Call Center to be notified when there are Late Medications, PRN meds given, and Missing Services/Chores. All staff will be able to run a report in RTasks for declined services and missing services/chores.
You will be able to run a report for the following:
Resident Notes - All notes (Medical Entry/Contact Notes/ Behavioral Notes/*Incident follow up/ Nurse Note-RN
Behavior - Sorts by one behavior type for ALL consumers at the site. (ie- All consumers with a target behavior of aggression)
Behavior Summary - Behavior Data for ALL consumers and ALL behaviors.
You will be able to run a report for the following:
Resident Profile - Provides Emergency Contact Info/Current List of Medications, as well as meds given in the last 48 hrs. This can be printed by the Call Center and faxed to you prior to a medical appointment or hospital stay. The Call Center also has the ability to fax it directly to the clinic/ hospital if desired.
Viewing Reports
Resident Care Plan
You will be able to run a report for the following:
Care Plans Reviewed Resident - You can see which staff still need to review a Care Plan (ISP) for a consumer who just had a 6 month or annual staffing. Staff will read and acknowledge the plan right in RTasks.
Master Care Plan - This report provides you with the Master Care Plan/ISP from consumers recent 6 month or Annual Staffing.
Planned Services - This report provides you with all the services that are in place for one consumer. It is their resident service plan.
Resident History
You will be able to run a report for the following:
Incidents - This report will give you the history of IR’s filled out.
Referrals - This report will provide you with a summary of Clinic Referral Dates/ MD’s and Notes for one resident.
Vitals - You are able to view a record of Bowel Management / Weights / Record of Blood Glucose / Record – Blood Pressure
You will be able to run a report for the following:
Medications Current - Current list of Medications for a resident
Medication History - All medications for a resident, including discontinued
Pill Count History - Summary of pill count data for a consumer. (Schedule 2 meds)