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  • ISP with CM, guardian and ARA signatures - can be found on paper copy in the consumer books. 

    If not in book: 
    Rtask Report->Resident Care Plans->Master Care Plan

    If an ISP is sent out for signatures and it falls past the timeline of being due, there needs to be a letter put in the book stating that it was sent out for signatures (admin assist to get this letter routed to operation).

  • Staff electronic signatures on ISP: 
    Rtask Report->Resident->Care Plans->Care Plans Reviewed->Select Resident

  • Medication sheets for previous months: 
    Residex->Reports->Med Recap Summary–Monthly
    (Deena Black has asked Residex to create a report in Rtask so staff have access to this information for state purposes as well.)

  • To find any report of needed vital or service, select “service history” when inside of that service in Rtask. Can change the date range to any amount needed. Report also available in Residex to select any service and show a report “service summary.” This will show each consumer and service separately.

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  • Insulin and Blood Glucose Summary in Residex reports (not available in Rtask).

  • Incident reports (Residex) Reports->Incident Reports.

  • Incident reports rtask: 
    Clinical->Incidents->View Reported Incidents (management view only).

  • Resident notes - of a type (Residex) available in Rtask once they can fix it.

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