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In the case of a power outage, all tablets will continue to function as usually from our Verizon wireless network. Staff should always ensure tablets are charged daily and not drop below 50% battery.

If tablet and computer access is unobtainable from an operation, staff will call the call center (emergency corded phones will work with no power) and receive verbal confirmation of any upcoming medications or needed service descriptions.

In the case of a ResiDex outage, ResiDex will be contacted for verbal confirmation of any upcoming medications or needed service descriptions from their back up directory.

Once the outage has past, staff will be required to back document adding a note stating why services were documented late in the service notes.

All operations can receive monthly paper copies of medication sheets from their pharmacy. PD or PM may request them if not receiving currently. No other back up medication sheets or copies of services will be needed onsite. There is no need to archive the back up medication sheets as they are produced from residex as needed.

Power or Residex Outage

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