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To access your 401K information CLICK HERE.

You will need to enter your Social Security Number and your PIN. If this is the first time you are logging in, then you will use the last four digits of your Social Security Number. Please change your PIN after logging in for the first time. This is a secure website hosted through Wipfli, our 401-k administrator.

Information that is available is:

Account Information

You can view your account balances and loan balances. The account summary will show your balance by investment type and the current market value.

Contribution Information

You can modify how your future contributions are invested by entering new percentages of how you would like your contributions to be invested. (You can not change the percentage amount, you must do that during open enrollment periods and the paperwork would be requested through Jessica Checkalski, our Payroll and Benefits Specialist located in our Menomonie office. She can be reached at 715.235.1839 Ext. 2013)


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Initiate Transfers

You can transfer the amount you currently have invested to different investments, or rebalance your entire portfolio.

There are NO fees for making changes through this website.

For investment advice and counseling contact Brad Waznik from Waznik Moseler Group, LLC at 715.231.8800 or toll free at 866.215.8800.

Wipfli Mobile App Participant Guide

The Wipfli retirement app provides you with on-demand access from your mobile device to your retirement account with Wipfli. With this app, you can view your account balance, review fund performance, view/update your contribution rate, and modify your account password.

To access the Wipfli Mobile App Participant Guide, CLICK HERE.

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